Many people think psychology is irrelevant to them. Consulting or talking to a psychologist is the last thing they would do when facing a problem. Therefore, we organize activities intending to encourage people to see that psychology is not a distant matter. It should be easily accessible to everyone and can be applied to daily life in various ways, especially the use of psychology to find and better understand oneself, which is the problem faced by many teenagers.
Learn O Life invites youth and parents who have difficulty finding themselves and are confused by the way of life or unable to set goals or plan to achieve their goals confidently to join the My Journey, My Choice activity at Platform Wongwianyai by Central. The activity is about finding oneself and talking with psychologists about choosing a faculty, career, learning field, and adolescent development under the topic “Emotional Balance and Happiness” and “Study Techniques and Goal Setting” for children, youth, and parents at the event, as well as those who join via Facebook Live free of charge.